
国/地域 団体名
グローバル IFPMA (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations)
EU EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations)
日本 日本経済団体連合会
南米 ブラジル INTERFARMA (Brazilian Research-based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)
(除 日本)
中国 中国医薬商業協会(CAPC)
RDPAC(R&D-based Pharmaceutical Association Committee)
香港 香港科研製薬聯会(HKAPI)
韓国 KPMBA(Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association)
KJPA (Korea Japanese Phamaceutical Association)
タイ PReMA (Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers Association)
台湾 中華民国開発性製薬研究協会(IRPMA)
TIPPA (Taiwan International Pharmacy Advancement Association)
米国 PhRMA
HDA (The Healthcare Distribution Alliance)
AAM (Association for Accessibile Medicines)
欧州 オーストリア Pharmig (Association of pharmaceutical industry in Austria)
ベルギー pharma.be (Belgian Pharmaceutical Trade Association)
フランス LEEM (French industry association which represents drug companies operating in France)
UIC (Union of French chemical industry)
SICOS Biochimie (Syndicat de l'Industrie Chimique Organique de Synthèse et de la Biochimie)
ドイツ VfA - Verband forschender Arzneimittelhersteller (German association of research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers)
アイルランド IPHA (Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association)
イタリア Farmindustria (Italian Pharma Industry Association)
Federchimica (Italian Chemical Industry Association)
ポルトガル Apifarma (Portuguese Pharmaceutical Association)
スペイン Farmaindustria (Spanish Pharmaceutical Association)
オランダ Nefarma (Vereniging Innovatieve Geneesmiddelen, Association for innovative medicines in the Netherlands)
トルコ AiFD (Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies)
英国 ABPI (Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry)
EMIG (Ethical Medicines Industry Group, trade industry association that represents the interests of life sciences companies in the UK)


地域 団体名
日本 東京 東京医薬品工業協会 (PMAT)
米国 ニュージャージー HINJ (HealthCare Institute of New Jersey)
オハイオ Bio Ohio
フランス アルザス Alsace BioValley
ドイツ バイエルン VCI (Association of chemical industry in Bavaria)
IHK (International Chamber of Commerce Munich/Upper Bavaria)
イタリア ラツィーオ Unindustria (Association of Manufacturers and enterprises of Rome, Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Viterbo)
ブラジル サンパウロ SINDUSFARMA (Trade Union of the Pharmaceutical Products Industry in the State of São Paulo)
Trade Union of Workers in the Chemical, Pharmaceutical Industries of Osasco, Cotia and region
台湾 台北 TPADA (Taipei Pharmaceutical Agents and Distribution Association)

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